Our partners include social service providers, job training programs, employment agencies, educational institutions, and centers serving women in need throughout the DC Metro Region.
"Suited for Change is one of the partners [we] are forever grateful to."
- William Craig III, Department of Employment Services.
Become a Referral Partner
To become a referral partner, you can apply by carefully reviewing the Referral Partner Handbook and pressing "submit" at the end. By doing so you attest that your agency is a suitable community partner, you are an authorized representative of your agency, and both you and your agency agree to abide by Suited for Change requirements for referral partners. Once you have submitted the Handbook/application you may begin scheduling clients.
Instructions to Schedule
In the new window, create an account if you don't already have one and log in.
1. Under "Appointment Locator," select "Suiting Appointment" from the dropdown menu.
2. Choose the day you would like on the calendar.
3. Select the appointment you would like--don't worry about the volunteer numbers.
4. Fill out the following information:
​ Client name
Client phone number
Client age
Client size
Employment Sought
5. Click "finalize the appointment."
Your appointment is now booked!
You should receive a confirmation email.
You can cancel or reschedule an appointment at any time.