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Empowered and Inspired

By Charlotte Patrick-Dooling

Emma Hill at Suited for Change's Annual Gala, the 31 anniversary

My name is Charlotte Patrick-Dooling and I have had the pleasure of interning at Suited for Change this summer! 

Going into my first internship with a nonprofit organization, I had no idea what to expect. I was so excited to see what was in store for me, but I was also incredibly nervous and scared to be in an unfamiliar environment. From the moment I stepped into the boutique, my fears instantly went away. I was welcomed so warmly by the whole team and my supervisor, Fernanda, made me feel right at home

On that very first day, Fernanda and Liz, the executive director, reiterated that this internship was highly individualized and I could take it in many different directions. It was up to me to decide how I wanted to spend the following three months at Suited and what I was trying to gain from the experience

I knew that I wanted to learn more about the daily operations of a small nonprofit. I was eager to see how each role in the organization functioned and contributed to achieving the overarching mission. However, I quickly realized that at a small nonprofit, such as Suited, one’s role does not define or limit them to a few specific tasks. Rather, I learned that every person on the team ~ whether that be a volunteer, individual on the board, or a staff member ~ plays a million different roles and jumps in wherever they see fit

As an intern, I had the opportunity to fill countless different positions. While I spent time in the office learning how to answer the phone, schedule client appointments, mail donor thank you letters, and sort through media release forms, I also got to work directly with clients, attend events all over D.C., and collaborate with referral partners and fellow nonprofits. My role as an intern changed everyday and it allowed me to gain the full immersive experience of working at a small nonprofit

One of my favorite parts of working at Suited was the constant empowerment and support I felt on a daily basis. While I am originally from D.C., this experience has allowed me to cross paths with individuals in my community that I otherwise would likely have never met. From the clients to the volunteers, I fostered connections with such resilient and strong women from so many different walks of life. As a young woman entering the professional world, I have never felt so inspired and motivated in the workplace as I have felt at Suited

I could not have wished for a more inclusive and warm environment to intern at. From chatting with my colleagues about reality TV to receiving advice from the volunteers about my upcoming study abroad semester, I felt like a part of the team and was trusted as such. I was even given the opportunity to lead my own information session for potential clients and to represent the organization at a referral partner’s job fair. 

I feel infinitely grateful to have spent this summer at Suited for Change. While I always thought that I wanted to pursue a career in this type of organization after I graduate, this internship has made me positive that nonprofit work is what I am meant to do. I am walking away from this experience with more confidence in myself, in the power of uplifting women, and in the invaluable role that nonprofits play in the world.

So, thank you Suited, for making this experience so unforgettable. As I continue on with my studies and begin a career, the lessons I have learned here will be ones that I carry with me throughout all my future endeavors. 

If you think nonprofit work might be the right career for you, you should check out Suited for Change’s internship program here

Note from Suited for Change: 

Dear Charlotte,

Thank you for your impact during your internship at Suited for Change. Your enthusiasm and adaptability have been truly inspiring. It has been a pleasure watching you engage with every aspect of our work and build meaningful connections with clients, volunteers, and partners.

We are incredibly grateful for your contributions and the warmth you brought to our organization. As you continue with your studies and career, I have no doubt that the skills and insights you’ve gained here will guide and inspire you. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!

Much love,



Emma Hill, intern, at Suited for Change's Annual Gala
Charlotte Patrick-Dooling

About Charlotte Patrick-Dooling:

Charlotte grew up in Washington, D.C., and went to School Without Walls High School. She is currently attending Oberlin College and is studying Politics and History. She is spending this summer interning at Suited for Change and has loved working with all the amazing clients and the incredible team of volunteers. After graduation, Charlotte hopes to pursue nonprofit work on an international scale. She loves to travel and explore small towns in the Washington area!


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