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To Deloitte and Beyond: Carla’s Journey with Suited for Change

By Charlotte Patrick-Dooling

Emma Hill at Suited for Change's Annual Gala, the 31 anniversary

At Suited for Change, we always love seeing returning faces in the boutique. After being a part of Deloitte’s National Impact Day, we were thrilled to welcome the women we met there for follow-up appointments and coaching sessions, including Carla.

From our first introduction at the Deloitte event, Carla exuded kindness and gratitude as we worked together to find her the perfect professional jacket and stylish scarf. 

But Carla’s journey with Suited did not end there. 

The following week, we were lucky enough to have Carla come to the boutique for the full SFC experience. She enjoyed a full styling session with our talented stylist, Gloria, followed by an empowering professional development coaching session with our skilled volunteer, Alison. 

From the moment she walked into the boutique, the volunteers and staff could all feel that it was going to be such an empowering visit! 

Not long after her appointment began, we heard a series of oohs and ahs coming from outside the office as Carla stepped out of the dressing room. She was wearing a beautiful navy dress with a lovely jacket and her face had completely lit up. 

Her smile brightened the room, creating one of those magical moments at Suited for Change that makes everyone feel empowered and inspired.

After getting her photos taken in her new outfits, we showed Carla the stunning pictures. Overwhelmed with emotion, Carla was moved to tears. We felt incredibly lucky to share such a heartfelt and powerful moment with her.

Then, Carla shared photos from the weekend before, proudly showing us how beautiful and confident she looked at her job in the clothes she had chosen at Deloitte Impact Day. It was a full-circle moment that truly touched our hearts, and we were so grateful for her willingness to share those special photos with us.

At the end of her appointment, Carla left us with some heartfelt words:

They were so kind to me, and everybody made me feel special.” 

The feelings were mutual! Hearing her positive experience with SFC made us feel so special to have been a part of her career journey. 

So, thank you, Carla, for allowing Suited to be a part of your story. It is such a joy getting to know each and every client who walks through our doors and to be a part of their journey.

Thank you to all our community members for making this empowering work possible, we truly do not know where we would be without all of you!


Emma Hill, intern, at Suited for Change's Annual Gala
Charlotte Patrick-Dooling

About Charlotte Patrick-Dooling:

Charlotte grew up in Washington, D.C., and went to School Without Walls High School. She is currently attending Oberlin College and is studying Politics and History. She is spending this summer interning at Suited for Change and has loved working with all the amazing clients and the incredible team of volunteers. After graduation, Charlotte hopes to pursue nonprofit work on an international scale. She loves to travel and explore small towns in the Washington area!


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